Last night was the first round of battles with the good guys (us) not doing too well. Do not loose heart though, as this was to be expected due to the overwhelming support our enemies could bring to bear. As discussed, we will plan a strategy to try and strangle the air dropped troops while delaying the Allied push from the south. Whenever possible, we will try to make use of the terrain to cut off and weaken the enemy spearheads and force them to loose the support pieces.
Dylan and I held the line in our own battle, with Allied commander Steve being unable to coordinate the overwhelming artillery advantage he started out with. It was as if each spotter had set their radio to the wrong frequency as barrage after deadly barrage missed the mark. In such conditions, even the reluctant Luftwaffe AA gunners took heart and gave a good fight. In the end, after fending off a mighty US assault, the game was a draw with a slight victory point advantage to the German forces.
I will have to make sure and drop some new batteries for Steve's radios.....